Social foundation

At TripLocator, we care deeply about our destination countries, their environments and the people who live there. We don't just want to leave them as we found them, we want to leave them better off: financially, socially, and environmentally. That's where Pathfinder Social Foundation, our not-for-profit foundation, comes in.

Pathfinder Social Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation operating in our destination countries. Its mission is to give back to communities by improving the environmental and social conditions of their local people.

Current and planned Pathfinder Social Foundation activities include:

  • Building schools in remote areas in developing countries
  • Supporting local orphanages and old people's homes
  • Planting trees in open areas
  • Organising environmental and conservation awareness programmes at a local level
  • Providing training to communities on disaster resilience and safety measures
  • Helping communities maintain their sites of natural beauty or historical importance.

TripLocator has committed from its inception to donating 1% of its profits to Pathfinder Social Foundation to further its good work.

And we’re constantly looking for partners in all our destination countries to help us promote our goal of sustainable travel in the localities we touch.

If you're part of a not-for-profit organisation which shares our interest in ethical, sustainable development, do get in touch with us to talk about the possibilities of a partnership with TripLocator, by emailing We'd love to hear from you.